It may appear I have dropped off the face of the Earth... well, I haven't, I've been furiously hatting, doing stalls, having bank holiday seaside adventures, and experimenting with vegan ice cream making. I've got loads of things to blog about but for some reason I feel exhausted, even after three days of doing absolutely nothing. Normal service will be resumed shortly!

Zzz... sleepy baby African hedgehogs... one day, I will have one of these as a pet. We saw one in a pet shop today priced at £220! He's been there ages, I feel quite sorry for him. My dad tells me he can adopt one for about £70 from a reputable home breeder via his exotic pet club, which sounds a lot better to me as you know the parents and babies are well loved and cared for.
adorable, and can't wait to hear about the vegan ice cream!
ReplyDeleteHey there - just so you know - you won my LandGirl Library giveaway! I just need your address details :)
ReplyDeleteOoh yay! I'll pop over now! Thank you :D
ReplyDeleteHey kally - there is a contact button on LandGirl1980 - or the email is in the post on the Library winning post! :)